Monday 25 October 2010


Boredom Strikes.
I'm leaving BritChicks. Ok. Yes. I said it. I'm leaving BritChicks.
No one interesting is on WolfHome. Scuba's on FF, but not enough people to talk to D=
MSN won't let me log in. Again.
... I need yellow spray paint, preferably that used by the Triad in The Blind Banker, and a handgun... A Walter-P-99, to be exact.
Dad said no. To both items. Because he's horrible. So now I'm bored.
Ooh, Ryan's on. But his girlfriend went psycho bitch at me... Meh. Fuck her :)

Omai. FFG Just got Sherlocked!

Hey. New blog. Woot.

OK. So I'm a Major Sherlock fan. Every thought ends up with Sherlock, or some kind of case.
I got bored yesterday. I went on FFG (Fashion Fantasy Game)
And... I did these guys.
You see. This is what happens when I'm bored. Either that or I start craving yellow spray paint and a handgun. OR simply the wonderful and gorgeous Sherlock Holmes. Either way... At least there's to keep me occupied... when there is something good to read, that is.